Weight, Favorites and Other Stuff

Posted On December 17, 2007

Filed under Chatter, Children, Motherhood, School, Weight

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Weight Update: I continue to act like a yo-yo. Up and down, I go. Last week I was down 1.5 pounds, and this week I am back up. BUT, I popped a hole through the knee of my last jeans so I went to my favorite store to buy my favorite jeans and…guess what….I was able to get a size smaller! I have always been somewhere around 14-16 but I bought size 12! They probably added stretch or adjusted the size or something, but it still feels good.

Other Stuff: Bryan got a new calling at church yesterday. It is a doozy. Stake Young Mens Presidency – 1st Counselor. We aren’t really sure what all this entails (if you know, please enlighten me) or when he starts. I think that he is a little excited though. He is ready for a new challenge, I think. Finally got my Christmas out. I sent some of them last week and the rest today. Oh, what a wonderful feeling.

My parents arrive Saturday so there is much house cleaning and grocery shopping to be done this week. Also, going into Oldest’s classroom to read a story for their read-a-thon. Trying to decide between two books: Bear Stays Up For Christmas and The Polar Express. Any thoughts?

I am revamping my chore charts and house rules. I am condensing the 9 rules into 5, and adding chores. They are doing so good at it, so I thought, hey! Why not make them do more of my stuff?

We will be celebrating my parents arrival by watching the BYU football bowl game. Go cougars. (Anyone know who they are playing? Hmm. Probably ought to find out.)

And finally…..

Favorite Moments from the week:

*Taking Daughter and Youngest to the mall and having Daughter act perfectly.

*While I was building the Thomas the train track that Youngest was demanding that I build, he decided that I should stop immediately and hook the trains together. I told him: “Hold your little pants on!” and he threw down the train and grabbed as much of his little Gap sweat pants in his little fists as possible.

*Lunch out at Olive Garden with Bryan. And no kids.

*Finished Christmas shopping, and it is a wonderful feeling (just waiting for Amazon to send those last two gifts…).

*I knew the library had one book that I put on hold there, but when I got to the library, there was four books waiting for me!

*The young men and Bishopric came to our house caroling and brought us a box of Christmas treats (chocolates, oranges, nuts, etc…)

Disappointed & Pleased

Posted On November 13, 2007

Filed under Food, Weight

Comments Dropped 3 responses

When I weighed in Monday, I was disappointed to see that I had gained.  I am trying to take comfort in Mahina’s comment from here.  Because, really, I do feel different.  I feel better.  It will get there, right?!

I haven’t got near as much done before my mom arrives as I had hoped, but that is okay.  I will spend the morning getting the house cleaned and clean sheets on the beds.  I have clothes to fold and a stop at the grocery store to make.  I’m planning on sloppy joes, baked beans and veggies for dinner tonight with my family, mom, brother and sister.  Love the idea that Stie has over at her site right now.  Share your recipes and maybe win!  And, if you want, share your recipes with me too!  I’m always on the prowl for new recipes…

I tried a new one last night and it was pretty good, I was pleased with it.  It is from the Kraft magazine.  It was for Speedy Chicken Stir-Fry.  Here it is:

Cook 8 oz angel hair pasta (I used spaghetti and it was fine) according to directions.  Add 2 cups chopped broccoli for the last three minutes.  (I used a broccoli, cauliflower, carrot frozen veggie mix).

Cook sliced chicken breast in a pan on the stove over med-high heat (spray with Pam first) for 6-8 minutes, add 1/2 cup Light Asian Toasted Sesame dressing, 2 TBSP soy sauce, 1/4 tsp each of garlic powder, ground ginger and crushed red pepper (I left this out); cook for 1 minute.  Drain pasta and mix with chicken mixture and serve.  Very good.


Posted On October 22, 2007

Filed under Weight

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I have been working hard for the last several weeks to improve my health and activity levels.  It seems like I immediately started gaining weight instead of losing, but I am happy to report that this week I am down a half pound.  I know it isn’t much, but it is a start.  I have been so much better about exercising and controlling my snacks (better portions, better choices) so I have been very discouraged at the fact that before now I had not lost anything.  I think that I thought since I had quit drinking caffiene /carbonation (and replacing it with water) that the pounds would melt away. They didn’t.  And it seems like the harder I tried to control my snacking the more tempted I was, and the more I thought about food.  Still working on it all but I am learning things along the way.  I have found that it helps to keep my hands busy so I have been doing a lot of word puzzles and working on some embroidery patterns that I bought ages ago.  I finished one and am about half way through another.  It is hard to put on here that it has been six weeks and all I have done is lost 1/2 pound, but heres to next week!  May it be better. 

My turn

Posted On September 17, 2007

Filed under Healthy, S Amanda, etc, Weight

Comments Dropped 5 responses

I used to be very athletic.  I always played basketball, softball and soccer.  And volleyball and rode bikes and walked everywhere.  Not so much anymore.   

If you have read My 100 then you know that I need to lose some weight.  I was doing pretty good and then we moved.  Apparently, I have been eating to soothe my home-sickness.  It hasn’t helped, but what it has done is make me 5 pounds heavier.  My clothes don’t fit as good.  I am getting heart burn more often.  So I have decided that it is my turn to lose weight.  I have been reading and being totally inspired by this woman and this woman, so I am using them as my inspiration to get on track and lose some weight! 

I have set a goal. 

I have made a tracking chart.  

I have decided on some awards for various points along the way. 

I have added exercise (bike riding when it is just A and me, and step aerobics on other days). 

I have cut back on some of my snacking. 

I set up a challenge with my siblings: we are each putting $10 in a pot and whoever loses the most weight at the end of three months gets all the money. 

This time I. Am. Going. To. Do. It. I can do it.  I will do it. 

After week one, I am down one pound.  It isn’t much but it is a start.  I will track my progress here as a motivator, and reporting in with my siblings should help as well. 

Wish me luck.  Please.